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Modern Sculpture For Sale

Modern sculpture is an art form that breaks through the limitations of traditional figurative art. Its development can be roughly divided into two main periods: the modernist period from Rodin in the late 19th century to before World War II, and the postmodern period from after World War II to the present.

Characteristics of modernist sculpture:

Modernist sculpture breaks through the Greco-Roman tradition that has dominated Western sculpture since the Renaissance, and emphasizes the transformation of expression. Sculptors of this period no longer pursue figurative beauty in the traditional sense, but use abstract forms and non-figurative art to express more complex and intrinsic artistic themes.

Main schools:

1. Modernism

Sculpture schools include Cubism, Constructivism, and Mobile Sculpture. Among them, Cubism was founded by artists such as Piaget, Braque, and Kafka, who expressed the internal structure of objects by decomposing and reorganizing objects.

2. Constructivism

It emphasizes industrial materials and mechanical beauty, while mobile sculpture focuses on the interaction between art and life.

Characteristics of postmodern sculpture:

Postmodern sculpture is a reflection and criticism of modernism, and widely absorbs various artistic styles and concepts. Sculptors of this period pay more attention to popular culture, industrial technology, and the behavior of artists.

Main schools:

The schools of postmodern sculpture include abstract expressionism, assemblage art, pop art, and neo-realism. Among them, abstract expressionism emphasizes the complexity and dynamism of emotions, and conveys emotions through the interaction of lines, shapes, and materials.

Pop art,explores the relationship between art and consumer society through popular culture and commercial images.

Representative artists and works,Rodin: The Thinker, La Grande Jatte, etc. Degas: Dance series, Nude, etc. Picasso: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, The Lover series, etc. Constantin Brancusi: Infinite Columns, etc. Henry Moore: Reclining Figure, etc.

Materials and techniques of modern sculpture Modern sculpture not only uses traditional materials such as stone and metal, but also boldly uses glass, steel, and even waste materials. In addition, modern sculpture has also explored new art forms such as sound, light, and electricity sculptures, soft sculptures, and dynamic sculptures. These works have not only changed the external form of sculptures, but also deepened the inner meaning of the works.

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